Installing the NM-CUE 256-MB SDRAM DIMM
Memory Card
Product Number: MEMCUE-256D=
This document describes how to install a 256-MB SDRAM DIMM memory card in the NM-CUE
network module .
This document is intended for the network module installer, who should be familiar with electronic
circuitry and wiring practices and have experience as an electronic or electromechanical technician. Use
this document in conjunction with the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information document for your
For complete installation instructions for network module installation in Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600
series, and Cisco 3700 series routers, see the online document Installing Advanced Integration Modules
in Cisco 2600 Series, Cisco 3600 Series, and Cisco 3700 Series Routers at the following URL:
For complete installation instructions for network module installation in Cisco 2800 series integrated
services routers, see the online document Installing and Upgrading Internal Modules in Cisco 2800
Series Routers at the following URL:
For complete installation instructions for network module installation in Cisco 3800 Series Integrated
Services Routers, see the online document Installing and Upgrading Internal Components in Cisco 3800
Series Routers at the following URL:
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Figure 1
NM-CUE System Board with Daughter Card
Daughter card screws
Daughter card
NM-CUE module screws
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Make sure that both latches on the SDRAM DIMM connector are in the open position.
Orient the SDRAM DIMM so that the polarization notch lines up with the polarization key on the
Installing the NM-CUE 256-MB SDRAM DIMM Memory Card
Figure 2
SDRAM DIMM Showing Polarization Notch
Polarization notch
Step 5
Carefully and firmly press the 256-MB SDRAM DIMM into the connector until the latches close onto
the SDRAM DIMM. Make sure that both latches rotate to the closed position against the SDRAM
Additional 256 memory card
Existing 256 memory card
Figure 3
256-MB SDRAM DIMM memory card
256-MB SDRAM DIMM latches
Step 6
Reinstall the NM-CUE daughter board on the NM-CUE firmly seating the daughter card on the system
Installing the NM-CUE 256-MB SDRAM DIMM Memory Card
Figure 4
Connector Pins
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Installing the NM-CUE 256-MB SDRAM DIMM Memory Card
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Installing the NM-CUE 256-MB SDRAM DIMM Memory Card
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Installing the NM-CUE 256-MB SDRAM DIMM Memory Card
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Installing the NM-CUE 256-MB SDRAM DIMM Memory Card
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